Prayers of REST

Podcast Update: Our Next (and probably LAST) season! 🥳

• Asheritah Ciuciu • Season 12 • Episode 1

It's been quiet here for a few months, but I'm back today with an update on the podcast: we're coming back for one last season: Prayers for Joy. Hurray!

Over the past 18 months, God has been doing a work in my life, restoring the sparkle to my eyes and restoring the joy of His salvation in my life. I wrote a book about it called Delighting in Jesus, launching this December, and I want to take you along on the journey with me. 🤗

We’re still pulling together the final details, but we hope to launch this season at the end of September.

We’ll have the 10-minute Prayers of REST that you’ve come to know and love, plus bonus conversations with my friend Hannah Nitz sharing the back story of how all this came to be. If you don’t yet know Hannah, I can’t wait for you to meet her. I know you’re going to love her as much as I do! 🥰

A BIG THANK YOU for your ongoing support throughout the summer that lifted the financial burden to make this an easy yes.  I’m excited for how God will move in our hearts in the coming months as we ask Him to restore our joy.

If we ever needed a focused season of prayer for joy, I believe it’s this election season. And if ever the onlooking world needed to see believers whose faces radiate with the joy of God’s presence, it’s this season right here.

Please pray for our team as we record these episodes and prepare to share them with the world. And in the meantime, be thinking of who you can invite to join you in prayer. Our favorite seasons of the Prayers of REST podcast involved little prayer groups popping up all over the country, and we’d love to do that one last time. So ask the Lord to bring to your mind a few friends whom you can invite to pray with you this fall. More details on that coming soon!

With much joy,


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