Prayers of REST
Do you feel distracted when you pray? Or maybe you just feel too busy to spend time in prayer? In the Prayers of REST podcast, bestselling author and Bible teacher Asheritah Ciuciu will gently guide you in praying God’s Word through weekly episodes that are only 10 minutes long. Perfect for Christians on the go, Prayers of REST will guide you in resting in God's presence even on the busiest days... so you can delight in Jesus wherever you are.
Prayers of REST
12.4 Behind-the-Scenes Conversations, with Asheritah & Hannah
“Sinners in the hands of an angry God” is one of the most well-known sermons of all time… but from cover to cover of Scripture, from the Garden of Eden to the marriage supper of the Lamb in Revelation, JOY is central to the Gospel. If you’re afraid or worried that God is angry with you, if you’re anxious because of God’s wrath, there’s really good news in this truth:
Scripture says that Jesus came to make manifest what has always been true about God the Father. What we see in Jesus’ life in the gospels – the way that He reaches out to people, the way He sacrificially loves and serves and seeks out the person who is lost, the way that He wept and danced and chose a wedding party for His first miracle – shows us that we have a JOYful God.
My brand new book – Delighting in Jesus: Rhythms to Restore Joy When You Feel Burdened, Broken, or Burned-Out https://amzn.to/3Zb5HAi
John 1:18
1 Peter 1:3-4
Psalm 37:11
Matthew 5:5
Hebrews 7:25
Hebrews 4:14-16
Patreon prayer partners: https://www.patreon.com/prayersofrest
The Bible Project https://bibleproject.com/
Bible study doesn't have to be complicated or overwhelming. Become more confident in your Bible study skills with my FREE 3-DAY Bible Study Quickstart Guide: https://www.delightinginjesus.com/bible-study-quickstart-guide--e73ae
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